| | A story, written and doled out in pieces, chunks, chapters, or even sentences, depending on my whim, inspiration, and level of writer's block.Blog Fiction FAQ/B>- Does that mean the Lex Files is over?
No. The Lex Files is fact; Blog Fiction is fiction. One is the story of my life, the other is the story of nonexistent lives -- but both are stories I think are worth sharing. Both are written for my pleasure -- yours is a potential added bonus. - Do you want to know about typos and such in Blog Fiction?
- What if I don't like the story?
- What if I have a suggestion for the story? Not a grammatical edit, a coherence clarification, but an idea for where the story could be headed?
- On what?
You have to be giving suggestions for the future of the story. Suggestions for modification of the already-written 'past' in the story will be ignored without comment. Suggestions for the future that would require the nullification of previously-created or implied truths within the narrative will indicate you haven't read closely enough, and will be ignored without comment. Suggestions for clever, well-considered ideas for the future that would work will be put to a test: Are they so clever that the story needs them? Or are they somewhat clever, but not enough to overcome the fact that you thought of it and I didn't, so I really am too self-centered to include it? - How often will it be updated?
Whenever I have the time and inclination to write more. I reserve the write to write more than I post at any given time. - Do you know where the story is going?
No. I don't know if I'll do different short stories; one long, never-ending story until the end of the Internet or my life, whichever comes second; or what. I'll make it all up as I go along, no outline or story map to guide me. - Do you think you're the first to do this? Or overly special for doing so?
No. I'm not a trend-setter -- or follower, in this case. I think it'll be fun to do. That's all. - Won't it be weird for new, most-recent posts to show up at the top? That is, ruining the continuity, chronology, and flow of the story, unless you write it backwards, and really, what would be the point of that?
That would be weird. That's why new posts will go to the BOTTOM. You'll have to scroll to the end of the page to see what's new. I haven't yet decided if/how to archive. We'll see. - Have you tired of writing this FAQ now?
- Does such rapid tiring out during extended writing bode well for Blog Fiction?