A little about Lauren and Lex

Lauren grew up in Manalapan, NJ, and Lex grew up in Wyomissing, Pa.  That both their home towns have truly weird names is only a coincidence.  They met at Brandeis University.  Lex says they met early on their freshman year and that he thought she was hot.  Lauren does not remember this meeting.  She does remember that she and a friend borrowed Lex's keyboard somewhere during second semester freshman year.  They began dating because Lauren (as a joke) had said to Lex, "Hey, you're on the rebound, I'm on the rebound, we should go on a date."  He took her seriously.  She went along with it.  The rest, as they say, is history.

Here's what they look like.  Aren't they cute?

(Outside the Met in NYC)


On the day this page was constructed, Lauren was working for The H.E.L.P. Group at the Village Glen School.  She teaches a mixed class of 4th, 5th, and 6th graders, and she thinks her students are the best in the world.  Lex, on the other hand, was working for Powweb (who may or may not be hosting this site).  Both of them have not-so-secret desires to be involved in the entertainment industry.  Lauren would like to act.  Lex would like to write for television and film.  Presently, they feel that they could quit their jobs and pursue these ambitions full-time only if they wanted to give up luxuries like eating, which explains why they are now doing other things.  Lex also does some freelance web design.  He is an awesome PHP programmer.  If you want to hire him (and you should), you can look at Don't Think Small for more information.  Speaking of pages that Lex has, he contributes to three truly excellent blogs. Lex is really funny and if you need a good laugh, check out either of these:



Or, if you'd like to read some of his fiction, look at


Lauren is not an awesome PHP programmer.  She barely knows HTML and keeps resisting Lex's efforts to teach her because she is too tired at the end of the day.  She would prefer to watch TV, crochet, or play video games.  Or sleep.  Lauren's absolute favorite TV show is Buffy The Vampire Slayer.  She harbors a lot of ill will towards Sarah Michelle Gellar for not renewing her contract.  That's why Sarah Michelle Gellar did not get a link.

Lauren likes to eat junk food, fruits and vegetables, chicken and salmon.  Her favorite thing to drink is orange juice.  Lex likes to eat junk food and meat.  He likes to drink coke and chocolate milk (not at the same time).  He thinks orange juice, and anything else made from either fruit or vegetables (with the exceptions of tomato soup, potato chips, and french fries, as long as the fries are thin) tastes like vomit.  Lauren feels similarly about anything made from beef or any other meat that is not chicken (turkey is sometimes okay).  Although together they cover all the food groups, cooking for both of them at the same time is very difficult, unless you like your food seasoned with only garlic, one thing they agree on.  Lex would like it registered that this paragraph has exaggerated reality somewhat.

There's a lot more to learn about Lauren and Lex, but not on this page.  Our apologies.

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This page was created by Lauren, because she needed to make a second page for her computer class